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Genus (i.e. Fucus)
Species (i.e. Gardneri)
Common Name (i.e. Rock Weed)
Phylum (i.e. Ochrophyta)
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About Us

Mandy R. Lindeberg
NOAA/NMFS Auke Bay Laboratory
11305 Glacier Hwy
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 789-6616



Mandy has been conducting research in Alaska since 1990. Her research includes studies on intertidal invertebrates, seaweeds, oiled shoreline and bioavailability surveys, and coastal mapping. These projects have taken her all over Alaska and enabled her to develop a specialized knowledge of Alaskan seaweeds. Along the way she picked up photography so many of the images you will see in the database are hers.

Juneau is Mandy's home where she works for the National Marine Fisheries Service in the Habitat Division of the Auke Bay Laboratory.

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